About the Journal

Journal Proceedings from a scientific conference "Society and Politics" (abbreviated: SOCIETY AND POLITICS) is issued by the Faculty of Political Sciences in Banja Luka, aimed at fostering and endorsing research within the realm of social sciences and humanities. This journal is committed to facilitating dialogue and collaboration across various disciplines, including sociology, social policy, social work, international relations, media studies, political systems, journalism, public relations, law, philosophy, history, cultural studies, and other related areas within the social sciences and humanities.

The Journal features previously unpublished contributions in the forms of original scientific paper, of review scientific paper, and of preliminary communication.

Contributions to the journal should be submitted in the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina or
in the English language.

The Journal is issued once a year.

SOCIETY AND POLITICS is an Open Access journal.

Journal SOCIETY AND POLITICS does not require authors to pay processing charges for submitting or
publishing articles.